Why Google Plus for SEO is essential

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Webmasters have to deal daily with the future of the leading search engines. Because only those who dealt with the constant updates of the search engine algorithms can expect long-term traffic from search engines. The direct relationship between the social network Google Plus, and the search results. Webmasters and bloggers have to act to get the maximum benefit from these changes now.For many years, the trust is built on Google backlinks. The more powerful backlinks could have a web page.

TBacklinks still play an important role in search engine optimization. However, there are signs that Google will change this concept slowly but surely. Nevertheless, if backlinks will lose value in the future, what will replace it then? In answering this question, GooglePlus plays a crucial role. Because Google cannot yet calculate the quality of mathematical content. It follows that Google needs another way to assess the content of web pages.This social media plays a big role, of course.

The more people find the content important to share this review with this or “+1″, the more likely it can be assumed that it is good content Google. Simultaneously, each written articles strengthens on a web page that is linked to a Google Plus account, the author rank of the webpage or the author. This in turn provides information about the extent to which an author has already published good content, and if this author is considered to be “trustworthy” in terms of Google rankings. So it all comes down it will also strengthen the author rank, to be so prepared for the upcoming changes in the search algorithm.

Thus, the issue is not quite as obese theoretically; here is a little information on how the combination of Google Plus with your own WordPress website is to be performed. It is easiest with the SEO plugin by Yoast. Who installed the plugin in WordPress can be deposited in the user profile, the corresponding data for interfacing with Google Plus. Here only the Google+ must be linked.

The authors own profile can also strengthen through guest posts on other blogs. This, however, a link between the author and Google Plus must also be made in the host blog.

SEO: More about Backlinks

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The Internet is developing rapidly. In addition, just as quickly to people who want to cheat the system develop. Already it was clear that high-quality pages are “bred”. Everyone knew that the more quality backlinks my website has, the better my page in the search results will be ranked. In this way were established link farms.Thousands of websites are put online and “fed” with high quality and good content.

Slowly grow these sites and are valued and promoted by Google. However, the fact is that these websites contradict the system of Google. The purpose is not the provision of good content, but they only serve the purpose of cheap sites to link to, and thereby push the cheap side. On the first places in the search, results are pages, which do not have good content. Google needs to act now. Why? It sounds lame but it is logical: For the money! Reduces the number of searchers, the number of advertiser’s declines.

Therefore, Google realizes that it is time to change something. Backlinks cannot stand as the sole indicator of the quality of a website. Something else must forth, something new. Slowly but surely, Google changes its search algorithms. Of course, backlinks still play a big role, but just a bit smaller than before. Other SEO Pushed measures. Onpage and off page optimizations assume a higher place in the ranking. Panda, Penguin and Venice have attracted attention. With Panda, Google has taken a big step in the right direction.

So-called content farms are massively devalued. With Panda is poorly written content, copied content and content that does not go in depth, devalued. Around 15% of all search queries are affected by the update. Google takes action against spam, all for the purpose to provide better search results.After panda penguin comes. In addition, this update has it all. Here goes Google one-step further.

Meanwhile, millions of backlinks are in the market. Who is number one in the Google SERP’s can earn a lot of money. Backlinks are priced accordingly. For backlinks with a PR of 5 or 6, it often pays hundreds of dollars or even thousands.

Google Keyword Tool – How to use the tool properly?

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The keyword analysis is an important factor in our daily work with websites. Many webmasters use the Google keyword tool accurately determine the right keywords. The Google keyword tool provides a large amount of analysis options. In addition to the determination of possible niche keywords to build affiliate sites, the tool also for the determination of other interesting keywords to a Web site traffic is increasing. Here you learn how to use the Google keyword tool correctly and what to look for in order to achieve meaningful results.

At first glance, this does Google Keyword Tool a little confusing. However, this is done quickly, if you look at the whole thing a little more closely. After logging in, you are on the home page of the tool. Here are the search terms can be entered and analysed. You can search either for a single word or for a phrase. The corresponding output can then be further refined. Directly below the search can be further refined. In addition to a particular language here can also capture a location. The site is of interest to determine the search results in a particular country.

Google Keyword Tool Search Options

So the site is aimed at a specific language, you can define corresponding filter options here. The result of the location can be found later in the monthly local searches, but I will get to that later.

Google Keyword Tool – More search options

The options are often misunderstood or interpreted incorrectly. They are actually the most important option in a search. By default, the Search for “widespread” keywords is enabled. In this type of search, however, all searches are counted, parts or other additives to the actual keyword. For example, when I search using the search option on the keyword “WordPress themes”, shows me the Google Keyword Tool 2,740,000 global monthly searches.

The figure of 2,740,000 searches per month but includes searches like “WordPress theme free”, “WordPress Themes profit” or “super-profits WordPress Themes”. All searches are related to the keyword “WordPress Themes” in connection with the calculation here.